Our business cases are often complex solutions that will facilitate a complex work process, and help reduce or even eliminate errors. Other times it is a small and simple mobile app that will help the staff in a business get quick access to data or functions.
Not seldom are our solutions part of a larger digital conversion where manual processes are converted into digital tools and workflows.
A great part of this process is to secure a good user interface as translating a paper process to a digital solution might not be the best option. And sometimes a solution requires a few evolutions to give the right benefit to the working staff and management.
We have selected a few solutions here. Please do not hesitate to as us for more information…
Commercial flight planning
Just 10 years ago Airline Pilots would go to the Flight Dispatcher and have the flight plan, weather, load sheet, notifications etc handed out as a large paper file. The crew would then talk about conditions and mark focus points on the paper. Sometimes the dispatcher was required to forward an updated set with new information just before take-off.
The modern cockpit is now digital.
Both the thousands of pages in manuals and the day-to-day planning information are now distributed via tablet platforms. Some use Apple iOS and others use Android based systems.
Selca has created the Crewbriefing app to an international supplier of aviation flight plans for large commercial airlines. The app secures all relevant information for a flight is distributed for offline use in the cockpit. The ability to synchronize the latest flight plan and weather information will allow the crew to make good decisions before take-off.
The app connects to the web backend and is built in Microsoft Xamarin allowing us to quickly maintain and compile for both Apple and Google operating systems.
Aviation App – Airport and flight information
General Aviation has a wast array of channels to get information required before a flight. One requirement is for the pilot to look for latest news on European and National legislation for airport and more.
The Danish Aviation Authority distributes via the internet latest news for pilots on changes in current legislation and changes in airport operations etc.
The Avioapp delivers all the information synchronized on a daily schedule. Latest news are delivered to the app and thus allow the pilot to always have an updated version of new rules and regulations for Visual Flight Rule in Denmark. The app also allow for creation of various forms and connections to private data storages.
The app is built in Microsoft Xamarin allowing for cross platform implementation.
General Aviation Quick Flightplan
General Aviation flying are both commercial and privately operated. Creating a flightplan is often a long an time consuming pre-flight task.
This is why many danish airports are allowing the use of a shortened version.
As a pilot in a small airplane you like all the technology help you can get.
It will help you do faster planning, and also make sure you create fewer errors.
With the PPS Pilot App for Billund Airport both commercial and private flying will be safer because the app will assist the pilot creating the shortened flight plan without making mistakes.
The plan for the app is to suggest the app to other larger airports and thereby making flying a lot safer.
The app is built in Microsoft Maui allowing for cross platform implementation.

ProApp – Inspection of amusement parks
FORCE Technology is a leading Danish technology consultancy and service company which strives to create positive technological change. FORCE specialises in on-site inspections, measurement, calibration, and data collection. Delivering comprehensive and unique infrastructure of facilities and laboratories for testing, calibration and analysis.
In Denmark, Inspection and authorization of public amusement park machinery is mandatory, whether it regards smaller machinery such as jumping pillows, trampolines and playgrounds or large roundabouts, climbing walls, roller coasters and zip wires. At FORCE Technology, inspection of amusement park machinery takes place in compliance with our accreditation from the Danish Accreditation Fund, DANAK, and the existing standards within the field. FORCE has selected ProApp from SelcaSoft to facilitate the creation of checklists, execution of inspections and creation of client reports.
ProApp is a web- and mobile app solution created and owned by Selcasoft.
It can be implemented as a customer specific solution.
Closing slip – private used car sales
FDM is the Danish organisation “Association of Danish Car Owners” that was created in 1909 in Copenhagen.
The association offers technical and legal advice to the members, and in this connection offers to conduct cases in the courts on behalf of the members.
For many years, FDM has had test centers where motorists can test new and used cars. In addition, since 2005, FDM has offered that motorists can have the mandatory car inspection done at FDM’s test centres.
It can be expensive to overlook faults and defects when you sign the car purchase. Therefore, FDM members can review the closing slip from the dealer before the deal becomes binding. Using the app created by SelcaSoft the members can reserve FDM’s approval and send in final report for review. The app allows lookup on registration number for dept and faults and allow for a good closing slip with added pictures.